
Quotes from my first week of classes..

(I meant to post this after my first week, but for some unknown reason just saved it as a draft instead. Sleep deprivation, perhaps? Yes.)

Advanced Writing and Critical Thinking:
(Professor): "...So, the final research paper will be 12 pages long."
(Flabbergasted kid behind me, under his breath): "Oh my GOSH!"

Fundamentals of Research & Presentation:
(southern professor that was very enthused about the new software): "How cool is that?"..."And how cool is thayat!?".... "I mean, how cool is thayat?"..."How SWEET is thayat?"
(The title of an article we were reading was called, "Books Gone Wild")
"... and then, the title of this article... well, uh... it is a reference that you should NOT recognize."
(Professor): "Make your thesis sharp - make it very edgy! Make you reader say, 'Whoa, put that thing away before you poke my eye out!' Seriously."

American Lit:
(Professor): "Looks like we won't be able to listen to Simon and Garfunkle's 'America' until next time. It will give you something to look forward to. And if Simon and Garfunkle don't make you enthusiastic about coming to class, then you should transfer out of here..... Heh, heh. Just kidding... Sort of."

Back to School, fool!

I love back-to-school time. I get so nostalgic when I buy binders and homework planners and whiteout. Even though it's technically winter and the rest of the country isn't returning to school, it is still quite exciting for me.

My week has been awesome, although Thursday began as kind of a disaster. I was running late. (I am forever running late.) It was what I consider the early morning (before 10am) and when I am tired I move at a snail's pace while getting ready, no matter how much Diet Dr. Thunder I have consumed. I needed to leave for class in about five minutes when I spilled my liquid foundation all over my jeans, boots, and desk. I cursed loudly. After quickly changing and running to my car, it took me a solid 10 minutes to scrape it off because it was approximately negative 90 degrees (I exaggerate - a little) which made me 10 minutes late for class on the second day it was in session. Boo.

Other than that, I am having a blast. I am fighting very hard against the urge to channel my inner Hermione Granger and let my hand shoot up after every discussion question in my English classes, because of how enthused I am to be discussing poems and novels and short stories and actually getting credit for it.
I am in geeky bookish heaven. I only have two actual textbooks this semester; the rest are novels and poetry. If you know me at all, please try and picture how happy my face becomes while considering that topic. It probably would look something like....this.

(Disclaimer: I didn't make this creepy/hilarious picture; my very bored and occasionally very weird sister Nicole did. I also have no idea who that man is. He seems nice enough, though.)

My new apartment is so much nicer than my old one. I feel like I've moved up in the world... or at least moved up in Rexburg. Which is, you know...nothing like the world really. Anyways. My apartment has tons of storage space, a heater that works, a vacuum that works, a dishwasher (which makes my germaphobic heart of hearts rejoice) free monthly haircuts, tanning, exercise equipment and - the best one, wait for it - free mani/pedis.

Epic win.

I was going to take pictures of my cute new place and post them, but my room is too messy. I'll do that sometime this week, I promise.

PS: here is a gratuitous LOLcat.
